Fus Yvhikv
Total 22 Posts
Fixico Speeds Through Tulsa
By Fus Yvhikv
Me and Fixico are headed downtown to the annual Tulsa Powwow. We are riding in Fixico’s rez car. It is a 1963 Plymouth Belvedere 2 door hardtop. The car’s claim to fame is that it has a push button transmission. The pushbuttons are arrayed horizontally
The Tribes Veto Gov. Stitt
By Fus Yvhikv
“How would you guys like to see Gov. Bullstitt get vetoed?” Fixico asks.
“Yes!” me, Tarpalechee, and Yahola say.
“What’s the plan?” I ask.
Fixico slurps a huge dollop of his Hamm’s beer.
“Braaaapppp!” Fixico belches a thunderous burp as he cranes his chin toward
“Announcing the First Ever: Tribal Captive Insurance Company Conference”
Sour Sofkee
By Fus Yvhikv
Does the idea of gaining the greatest degree of control over insurance, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars, and expanding tribal sovereignty captivate you? Then you must attend the upcoming First Ever: Tribal Captive Insurance Company Conference.
This conference is planned for February 2024 at
Sour Sofkee: “Fixico Works Tirelessly At Being a Slacker”
By Fus Yvhikv
It’s a busy Saturday morning at The Home Depot. The Doers are getting
things done. Scores of customers are pouring through the front door.
Dressed in an orange Home Depot apron, Fixico is there to greet them.
“Excuse me, sir,” a female customer addresses Fixico. “Where
Sour Sofkee: “Natives are Tribal Citizens, Not Enrolled Members”
By Fus Yvhikv
Fixico’s short visit to my house was now entering its 2 nd week. He was chomping on a frozen waffle which was in acute need of more microwaving. Fixico was working on his fourth cup of coffee. I ambled over to the Keurig eager for my