WHAT: United Indian Nations of Oklahoma’s quarterly meeting
WHO: UINO executive leadership, members, tribal leaders from Oklahoma’s federally recognized tribes, policymakers and advocacy experts
WHERE: Buffalo Run Casino & Resort, Miami, Oklahoma
MIAMI, Oklahoma — The United Indian Nations of Oklahoma (UINO) will hold its quarterly meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at the Buffalo Run Casino & Resort in Miami, Oklahoma. The meeting will bring together leaders from UINO’s 30 member tribes, tribal citizens, policymakers, advocacy experts, and others committed to defending tribal sovereignty to discuss issues and initiatives critical to the success of Oklahoma’s tribal nations. The Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma is hosting the event.
The meeting begins with breakfast and registration at 8 a.m., followed by panels on state-tribal relations, the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority’s PlatePay system and tolling, an update on expanded jurisdiction under McGirt v. Oklahoma, tribal compacts, taxation, and other important topics.
The meeting will end by 4 p.m. before the polls close on this Oklahoma primary election day. UINO encourages all Natives to exercise their right to representation by voting during this critical election year.
Condensed agenda (full agenda attached to this email)
8 a.m. to 9 a.m. – Breakfast and Registration
9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. – Welcome and Business
9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Opening address and morning panels
Oklahoma Speaker of the House Charles McCall: “Strengthening the relationship between the State of Oklahoma and the 38 Federally recognized and Sovereign Nations in Oklahoma.”
Federal Indian Policy and important bills before Congress impacting tribal sovereignty.
How can the Native vote influence elections during this critical year of local, state and federal elections?
Keynote luncheon address
1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. – Afternoon panels
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority Executive Director Joe Echelle: Oklahoma’s new PlatePay system, with Q & A.
Taxation: Tribal car tags, tobacco compacts, and Cougar Den updates.
Native American Boarding Schools: Update on boarding school legislation and initiatives.
McGirt v. Oklahoma: Update on expanded jurisdiction, four years after McGirt v. Oklahoma.
4 p.m. Adjourn
Don’t forget to vote before 7 p.m. in your local, state, and federal primaries!
For information on membership with UINO, visit https://www.uinoklahoma.com/