OKLAHOMA CITY (March 21, 2023) – Oklahoma Human Services is now accepting online applications for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP) and Low Income Home Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) at OKDHSLive.org.
ECAP Eligibility:
- Households which have received a 72-hour cut-off notice at the time of application or an active cut-off order from their utility provider
- Written notice from their utility provider for new service establishment or service restoration with minimum requirement security deposit, carryover debt or other fees
- Written notice from their utility provider refusing to deliver additional fuel without a minimum required payment
- Verification from the utility provider that the household entered into a payment plan to prevent service cut off
- Apply online at OKDHSLive.org

LIHWAP Eligibility:
LIHWAP is a one-time program that was created and funded under the Consolidated Appropriations Act and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). It provides funds to assist low-income households with water and wastewater bills. Like ECAP, applications are accepted online at OKDHSLive.org.
- The non-emergency water bill pay program provides assistance to eligible households with a one-time payment per fiscal year to the public drinking water or waste water participating provider for the household.
- The water crisis program provides assistance with a one-time payment per fiscal year for:
- households who meet the income and resource guidelines outlined in the LIHEAP program and
- have a verifiable water crisis, disconnected service or will be disconnected within 72 hours, and
- the public drinking water or waste water company is a participating provider.
In order to receive LIHWAP, the public drinking water or waste water company must be a participating provider.
Tribal members:
Households with a member who is Native American may apply through OKDHSLive.org or through their tribal nation. Households cannot receive assistance from both Oklahoma Human Services and their tribe during the same federal fiscal year.
ECAP payment:
If eligible, households will be authorized for a one-time payment for the minimum amount required to resolve the crisis. Only one annual payment per household is allowed for LIHEAP ECAP. The total payment is capped at $750 maximum (including both energy crisis and life-threatening medical) per federal fiscal year for each LIHEAP-eligible household.
LIHWAP payment:
Only one payment per year, per household is allowed for each program. LIHWAP payments must be applied to the water or waste water bill. Authorized payments may not be applied toward other services, such as trash, cable or other services. LIHWAP payments must be paid directly to a public water or waste water company that is a participating provider.

Household definition:
“Household” is defined as individuals living “under the same roof” with one utility meter.
Information needed to apply for ECAP and LIHWAP:
- Most recent utility bill for their home from the utility provider
- ID (such as a driver’s license)
- Social security number
- Verification of income
- Household size
- Available resources
- Responsibility for payment of home energy
- Households are not eligible for LIHEAP or LIHWAP if the utility bill is paid directly to the provider by someone who does not reside at the residence.
Maximum monthly gross income allowed:
Size of Household Allowable Monthly Gross Income
1 $ 1,473
2 $ 1,984
3 $ 2,495
4 $ 3,007
5 $ 3,518
6 $ 4,029
7 $ 4,541
8 $ 5,052
Persons applying should have the most recent utility bill information for their home, their ID, social security number and verification of income and available resources. For learn more or apply for LIHEAP ECAP or LIHWAP, visit OKDHSLive.org.